Saturday, October 29, 2022

Be Your Transformational Life Coach


"You can't solve problems with the same thinking that caused them."

So I help you get around things with a clearer vision and understanding.

Sessions usually include integrational therapy, life coaching, and excercises that you can apply in your daily life.

A mix of approaches from 10 years of practice are used in the sessions.

Whether you want help in:

  • Relationship / financial / behavioral issues
  • Getting out of an emotional rut
  • Dealing with anxiety & stress
  • Or anything really,

I hold space for you to process your emotions, discover true desires, and step into your own power. Basically I help you transform the inner blocks that prevent you from living a life you love. And get aligned with the most expansive version of you

Continuous sessions over time will help you improve or gain:


  • Healthier relationship with self and others
  • Reparenting skills & Healing your inner child
  • Emotional wholeness
  • Clarity & Vision
  • Resilience in life
  • Heal past hurt and unlearn trauma 
  • Finding positivity, motivation, gratitude and inner joy


I look forward to seeing the light in your eyes shine brighter! So let me know what intention brought you here, and let's get started.


: : : : :

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