Saturday, October 15, 2022

Help You Fix Your Broken Heart


Are you tired of failed relationships ? Do you find yourself in toxic relationships more often than not ? If you have tried your best to figure out a solution but haven't had any success then it's time to do something about it. Sometimes all we need to be successful in life is a change of perspective and I am here to be a catalyst of change in your life. We will have a one-on-one relationship advice session on Skype or Zoom and go over your current situation in detail. I will offer you advice/solutions and a push in the right direction to overcome overcome the heartache and depression you are experiencing right now. Also, I will go over the basics of healthy relationships and provide you with you useful resources to become better equipped in the dating world ❤️

Follow me on Instagram ----> @queenetus 👊


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Friday, October 14, 2022

Be Your Professional And Empathetic Listener


Hi there! I will be your empathetic listener, personal psychologist or life-counselor. I have done my masters in Psychology.

I will listen you with true empathy, provide a safe space and share my energy. It is easier to say, 'I have toothache than to say my heart is broken.' But all I will say is that you are allowed to feel messed up and inside out. It doesn't mean you're defective-it just means you're human.

I will try to understand the blackness, lethargy, hopelessness and loneliness you are going through. I'll be there for you, listening with great empathy as it is one of the kindest, noblest, and best things that I can ever do for you.

If you are in a huge crowd, but you feel like you're really alone. Take heart. I'm here for you, no matter what. I will provide you professional help and be your empathetic friend, personal listener or life-counselor.

I believe empathy is the most essential quality of civilization as:

"There is no greater loan than an empathetic ear."

If you have feelings of hopelessness, negative thoughts, mood swings, stress, anxiety, "Your story isn't over. Professional help is available.

With love & respect Ramsha Bhatti.


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Thursday, October 13, 2022

Your Unique Human Design Reading


In the so-called "Basic Reading" we look at the most fundamental building blocks of human design.

The knowledge you will receive in this reading will give you a clear understanding of yourself and your personality. You will experience several "aha moments" and also get practical examples and application tips on how to really use this knowledge in your everyday life.


Included in the reading are:

Type of your personality

Profile: What social role do you take on here?

Strategy & Authority: How do you make your decisions?

Open Centers: How Easily Conditioned Are You? And what areas should you pay attention to?

What special features should you pay attention to when it comes to your diet?

In which environment do you feel comfortable and can be productive?

Where does your attention go?

What motivates you in your life?

Channels: your strong character traits

You have a chance to get to know you better :)

Enjoy it!


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Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Be Your Motivating Life Coach To Help You Achieve Your Goals


Available in German and English

Coaching fokussiert sich auf die Lösungsfindung in einer erschwerten Lebens Situation. Ich helfe Ihnen ihre Ziele zu benennen, Lösungswege zu entdecken und sie zu erreichen. Fragen sie sich ob sie einen neuen Beruf ausüben möchten oder sich selbständig machen möchten? Wissen sie nicht ob die Beziehung mit Ihrem Partner noch richtig für sie ist? Sie wollen gerne Auswandern aber trauen sich nicht? Sie haben Prüfungsangst oder Angst vor einem neuen Lebensabschnitt? Sie wissen nicht wie es jetzt nach der Pandemie für sie weitergeht? Sie fühlen sich isoliert und einsam?

Coaching is focused on finding solutions during difficult living conditions. I will help you to identify goals and solution-oriented ways how to reach those goals. Are you asking yourself if you want or need a new job? Become self-employed? Are you questioning if your partner and the relationship are still right for you? Do you want to move out of state or immigrate to another country but are afraid to do so? Do you suffer from test anxiety or fear of a new living situation? You don't know what to do with your life in the post-pandemic area? Do you feel isolated, unmotivated, and alone?


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Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Write Your Text On Snow Covered Car


I'll write your text on snow covered car and send you a high resolution HD image of it. This is absolutely innovative way to advertise your website, product or brand or to send messages to your friends and loved ones.  You will receive the image as on display but with your own text. This picture is ideal for posting on your Facebook pages, blogs or website to boost you business.



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Monday, October 10, 2022

Put Your Logo And Small Message On Christmas Ball Card


Send a personalized greeting card with your logo and small message

I will put your logo/text on message on a card. you can send this card as a holiday greeting/Business/Promotional purpose.

I can also change the color of backgound/card or text according to your choice or logo/brand theme.

If you need the best results, you must provide logo in vector or any other high quality image format.

I will provide you high quality 3500X4000 Resolution printable image file.




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Sunday, October 9, 2022

Put Your Logo, Website Or Image On 10 Laptop Screen Mockups


I will put your logo, website, or image onto a Laptop, MacBook, iPad, or iPhone screen mockup. You can use these photos to impress your friends, or you can use these photos on your website to impress your visitors on social media or your website. In business, these strategies help a lot. 

My service:

  • Add your logo, text, mobile app or website image on different mockups
  • Give you High-quality Mockup Images with your Image in it.
  • 100%client satisfaction

What you will Do?

Send me your image or logo in high quality


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