Saturday, November 26, 2022

Solve Any Dating Problems For Men


Each consultation comes with my book "Dating is Easy" for free.

Men, I can help you with any dating problem. I am new to Fiverr and want to establish a solid review base. I love coaching men and wouldn't trade it for any job in the world. My students are like brothers to me.

-10 years experience as a men's dating coach

-Medical degree and extensive study in psychotherapy

-Phone consultation

-Current very low rate as I am new to Fiverr (book now before the price increases)

-Please book ASAP as my calendar fills up fast from other platforms


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Friday, November 25, 2022

Help You Achieve Your Goals As Your Career Coach


Feeling stuck or lost?

Burned out by your job?

Ready to make a job/career change?

Lacking motivation and drive?

Want a raise or promotion but too afraid to ask? 

Suffering from imposter syndrome?

Losing self-confidence?

Having difficulty with clients, colleagues, or boss?

Having work/life balance issues?

Having trouble meeting performance goals? 

These are examples of challenges you might face as a professional person but might not feel comfortable sharing with colleagues, close friends, or even family members. This is where a neutral party like a career coach can be beneficial.

Coaching is a co-creative relationship. As a coach, I serve as a thought-partner to help you achieve your goals consistent with your own vision and values. My coaching style is tailored to meet your individual needs instead of a one size fits all approach.


It's best to purchase the Basic Package (Discovery Session) first if you're not sure if the Standard Package or Premium Package would be most appropriate for your needs. Depending on the complexity of the coaching request, multiple sessions might be advised.

*Please contact me with any questions you might have before purchasing.


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Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Be Your Life Coach, Emotional Support, Empathetic Listener


There are moments in our life that we feel alone, depressed, and unwilling to keep going, we struggle with different situations throughout our life that not always can be solved on our own, sometimes we need someone to talk to, there are moments that we really need advice and that’s why I’m here. I’m a qualified life coach but more than that I've been just like you, stressed, anxious and I didn’t know what to do with my life, but all those experiences have given me the chance to grow in an incredible way, that know, all that I want to do is helping you to do the same. I’m very passionate about helping people overcome their fears and be happy just for who they are. If you can relate to any of these statements, Let’s work it out! So, if you are:

  • Dealing with anxiety and fear of future
  • Excessive preoccupation
  • Hate your current job and wish to do something meaningful for you
  • Not satisfied with your personal, social, familial role and wish to improve
  • Don’t know what to do with your life

If you want to:

  • Find your life purpose
  • Form better relationships
  • Gain self-confidence
  • Self-love and worth

Let's work it out together!

I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon! <3


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Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Offer Parallel Realities Understanding And Energy Healing



My name is Catalin and i am 38 years old. In 2013 i experienced a profound awakening event by having the intent to connect to a higher realm than the one that i was currently aware of in my life.

I am here to assist you through the use of healing energy and the understanding of how to move forward in your life from this preferred energy into the best version of yourself. This best version of yourself exists right now in a different timeline, or parallel reality experience.

I have a great ability for energy healing work to accelerate you on your soul mission path.

In the last eight years i had the privilege of consciously discerning my shifts to different parallel realities and versions of Earth. This conscious discernment is a unique ability and i will coach you from direct experience to use it in your own advancements and not from theoretical or philosophical concepts.

The two abilities of energy healing and parallel reality coaching are going to be merged together in our session so that you will have a better understanding of how to fully take advantage of both concepts as two great strategies in advancing yourself on your life's path.

Thank you,

Catalin Haiman


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Monday, November 21, 2022

Be Your Adhd Body Double


  • Do you have trouble accomplishing tasks because of your ADHD?
  • Do you need an accountability partner?
  • Are you more productive when someone else is present?

In this gig, I will be your trusted body double. I will gladly be your online presence to help you focus and accomplish your goals. We can work in silence for 1 hour.

With this gig, you will receive:

  • One-on-one virtual sessions
  • Working in silence on Zoom

ADHD Executive Function Coach

I am an expert at helping people organize their thinking. I work as an ADHD coach and teacher with more than 20 years of experience. I work with adolescents and adults with ADHD symptoms and learning challenges. I am also a CHADD Education Specialist/Tutor.

You will receive my professional attention and practical feedback.

Drop me a message to get started!


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Sunday, November 20, 2022

Help You Understand Your Relationship Or Marriage On Another Level


If you are single, please book the basic package. In it we will revise your past relationship history and look out for imbalances that may be causing painful endings or non-committal attitudes that are blocking you from experiencing healthy, balanced and loving relationships.

1 hour session over Skype (audio only) + personalized exercises to gain new skills

For couples, I offer 2 packages:

a) Mild Issues Package (Standard) for when you are having strong differences about specific things, arguing is becoming more frequent and you feel distance coming between you guys. You will each have one individual session where we will uncover traumas, blocks and triggers and one shared session where we will work out one specific issue in real time, to enhance your communication and compassion for each other.

b) "We need help Now" Package (Premium) for when you are stuck in a rut and feel at a crossroads with making it or breaking it. We will go in depth individually to discover what is making you feel unfulfilled in life at the moment, where you guys started losing each other and help you find your way to each other, either together or in a peaceful closure with awareness and understanding


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Be Your Personal Career Coach


Are you unemployed or stuck in a job you’re not happy with?

Do you ask for help and receive incomplete information in return?

If your answer is yes, then this personalized one-on-one career coaching is for you!

I’m here to help YOU stand out from the crowd and guide you to the path of success!

  • No Sugarcoating - Truths from Lived Experiences
  • Conversing in Business English
  • Transition to an "Online only" Career
  • E-commerce Business Advice & Audit
  • Application Guidance
  • Portfolio, Résumé / CV Review & Revisions
  • Cover Letter Review & Advice
  • Interview Questions Preparation & Practice
  • Social Media Presence
  • Career Custom Topics
  • Identifying Job Scams

I'm a Freelance Digital Media Specialist & Consultant who specializes in being a Social Media Manager & Graphic Designer and I find joy in creating content for my clients.

8 years of professional experience in the worlds of Social Media & E-commerce.

Let's begin your new journey NOW!


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