Saturday, October 1, 2022

Promote Your Website On My Blog For A Week


I will promote you website/blog on my blog ( for a week.... I will add your website link on every post. it would be something like this,"Also, check out" at the end of the post. It will be constantly updated for a week after which I will stop advertising your website. (unless its for another Fiver :) )


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Friday, September 30, 2022

Provide A Marxist Analysis Of Your Current Situation


Receive a humanistic analysis of your current material circumstances and learn to apply a dialectical lens to your life.


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Thursday, September 29, 2022

Listen To You And Be A Friend To Talk To


Hello! How are you feeling?

Let's talk about anything! I can be your friend, sister, or anything you want me to be.

I know life sometimes can be lonely and we feel that we don't have anyone to talk to.. but no worries! I am here. I will listen to all your problems and I will be a friend in which you can share everything.

Hope you will feel better soon! Let's catch up


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Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Help You Clear Your Mind


I am passionate about the stories of people, and I understand that we all need someone to express our thoughts and feelings. However, we do not always have active listeners around us that want to hear us; therefore, I am offering this service to everyone who wants to be heard. Everything is about the energy flow, and I want to participate in this energy flow by helping and connecting with people.


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Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Be Your Executive, Career, Or Life Coach


I am passionate about helping others achieve their goals and ideal lives. As a lifelong learner, I’m a junkie for personal development and growth.


As a corporate career climber myself, I’ve been able to increase my income 800% over the course of my 12 year corporate career. I’ve made mistakes, I’ve had setbacks, but I’ve learned and persisted. I'd love for you to be able to learn from my mistake, instead of experiencing the same setbacks yourself.


I’m here to help you achieve career success while maintaining a balanced and dare I say, happy life, and doing so most expeditiously.


I will help you:

·        Identify a Career/Line of work best suited for

·        Leveraging your current role to get you promoted

·        Interview Prep

·        Uncovering the hidden job market

·        Negotiate a higher salary

·        Avoid burnout

·        Personal Growth

·        Honing your leadership style

·        Troubleshoot current challenges

·        Tools, Tips, Tricks, Hacks, to be more productive, in your career and life


Contact me today to start your new journey forward!


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Monday, September 26, 2022

Help You Heal Emocions And Situations Of Your Life


Hola Yo soy Berenice!

Soy mexicana.

Mi enfoque es escucharte, ayudarte a entender que está detonando en ti ciertas formas de actuar y como podemos sacarle el lado constructivo, porque al darle un significado a tus experiencias, es que podrás moverte del dolor, rencor, miedo o frustración hacia una plenitud. :)

Uso herramientas como:

·        Logo terapia.

·        Inteligencia emocional.

·        Mensajes de Un curso de milagros.

·        Mediación guiada y personalizada al tema a tratar.

·        Decretos y afirmaciones positivas.

·        Oráculos con mensajes que su ser requiere tener

 Todas estas herramientas serán puestas a tu servicio, con mucho amor.

Temas que podemos trabajar:

·        Re significar Heridas emocionales del pasado.

·        Mejora de relaciones personales (Pareja, amigos, trabajo, etc)

·        Significado de vida.

·        Reconexión espiritual Sanar rencor, herida de abandono, injusticia, traición, etc.

·        Autoestima.

Entre otros que tu alma desea sanar.

¡Ten por seguro que te escucho con atención para que JUNTOS saquemos lo mejor de ti y que desde la 1.ª sesión sientas un resultado tangible en tu bien estar.!


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Sunday, September 25, 2022

Give You A Advise To Fixed Your Relationship


i will give a perfect advise to recover your relation with your partner and also give you a positive plans to fixed your relation


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