Saturday, August 13, 2022

Make Sure You Complete Your Needle Moving Tasks


This is an productivity and accountability gig whereby I will be your accountable partner to ensure that you complete all the tasks that you have planned to do within the timeframe.


Basic - it will just be 1 block of pomodoro (30 mins) with a before & after check in.

Standard- it will be 2 blocks of pomodoro (30 mins x2) with a check in & task prioritization session beforehand, a 10 min break between 2 blocks and a ending session.

Premium - it will be similar to standard package but over a span of 2-3 days (30 mins x 6), depending on both of our schedule. Task prioritization will be using the Eisenhower matrix and a series of clarifying questions.

All gigs will be on Google Meet (unless agreed otherwise)

Please ensure that you will have no distraction during the time allocated (phone on silent, no coworker/spouse/kids/pets barging in)

Please contact me before booking to confirm on timeslots. I work on GST+8 timezone. An estimate of 1.5hrs for 2 pomos + in between sessions.


: : : : :

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