Monday, September 5, 2022

Assist You In Gaining Spiritual Clarity And Guidance


You want to be more spiritual, or you feel stuck or confused by what it means for you to be spiritual. With my help you will see how to get unstuck to get to the next level. I will learn where you are on your journey, make sure you understand where you are so you can take the next step. I am not a guru, nor do I want to be. I see my job to be the lens in which you see yourself and the world you live, so that I can refocus you.

My grandfather (a Kabbalist) put me on a spiritual path as a young child. I have spent nearly forty years quietly practicing, studying and looking for commonalities across every system I could find. I have extensive practice, in breath work, mindfulness and meditation. In addition to the endogenous (chemical already in your brain/body) methods I have spent a lot of time with exogenous (chemicals you imbibe) methods as well.


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