Monday, March 20, 2023

Give Transformational Breathwork Therapy Session


During a breathwork session, one might experience the release of pent up emotions and subconscious traumas; get a brighter and clearer sight of their experiences and acquire a wiser approach to their stuck problems from within; feel energized and in a positive state of mind afterwards, with increased self love; or even observe a physical healing in the body.

Contact me to receive a free 10 mins audio excercise to get a sense of transformative breathwork.

Any problems that arise in life relates back to our breathing habits. Your reactions to life affect the flow of your breath, and vice versa. So you can flow through life only as well as the breath that can flow through you. That is why we do breathwork, to put it all back into alignment. As the breath regains its natural connected state, any disorder the person is experiencing, emotional, mental, or physical begin to heal, including areas of life that feel stuck with repeating patterns.


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