Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Be Your Life Coach And Counselor


Hi!! I'm Prabigya.I'm passionate about understanding the way people work and I want to help individual reach their maximum potential.I can guide you in your spiritual growth, counsel you,motivate you,encourage you and talk about the importance of mental health in our life.

We are not always motivated and in good moods everytime .There are moments when we feel lonely,empty and depressed.To be honest I personally have faced this in a very young age and finally have overcome this situation in my life.So, I can guide you with your problems too. I can help you come out from that zone and cherish this beautiful life.I think life is amazing and every individual should love and enjoy it.

I'm preety young and sensitive so 18+ conversation are forbidden in my sessions.

It's never too late.Are you ready?Let's work it out together

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Thank you!


: : : : :

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