Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Coach You Through Narrative Embodiment


The Story Of Your Body Is Key To Your Liberation

As a Coach, I’ll bear witness as you unravel your -Self and hopefully offer a few tools along the way. We’ll get you out of your head and into your body through the power of Storytelling.

What Exactly Is Narrative Embodiment Coaching?

'Narrative' is the Story we tell ourselves, both consciously and subconsciously. It is a tool to understand who & how we are from our very origins. 'Embodiment,' then, is grounding ourselves within our own make-up. We enlist our molecular structure of skin and bones to inform our experience. And together, it is how we untie the knots, the 'stuck griefs,' triggers and traumas of the past, so we might design a new way forward. Narrative Embodiment is a conduit to our Liberation so we might fully experience the Erotic Aliveness we deserve. Your Body, Your Story, Your Liberation - Matters.

We’ll Navigate Your Story Together Through Your Creative Eroticism:

  • Somatic Understanding
  • Sexuality and Relationships
  • Meditation and Movement
  • Nutritional Relationships.

As a Narrative Embodiment Coach, I'm certified as a Holistic Healing, Wellness & Nutrition Coach with a Spiritual slant.

You ready?


: : : : :

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