Sunday, January 1, 2023

Have Anonymous Confidential Conversations


Are you

  1. wanting to confess something confidential to an anonymous listener?
  2. in need of a person to talk to and have them listen to your problems, struggles, and worries?
  3. want a non-judgemental listener to help you process things or vent your frustration.

I will listen to you anonymously with complete privacy over a video call (Google Meet or Zoom) and try my best to help.

Please read the FAQ before making a booking a call with me.

Certified and trained by Livingworks in Australia

I have successfully faced the following struggles in my life:

Parental divorce, physical & verbal child abuse, rejection from women, Friendzone & simping, rejection from friends, isolation & loneliness, weight gain/obesity, self-conscious anxiety, fired from my job 3 times, lack of direction in my life, lack of self-discipline, failing grades due to procrastination & self-discipline issues, existential dread, negative emotions like self-doubt/uncertainty.

How did I do it?

Lots of self-help books, podcasts, meditation, coaching/mentoring, extracting wisdom from different religions, psychedelic experiences, trial & error and observing & mimicking successful people.


: : : : :

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