Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Offer Parallel Realities Understanding And Energy Healing



My name is Catalin and i am 38 years old. In 2013 i experienced a profound awakening event by having the intent to connect to a higher realm than the one that i was currently aware of in my life.

I am here to assist you through the use of healing energy and the understanding of how to move forward in your life from this preferred energy into the best version of yourself. This best version of yourself exists right now in a different timeline, or parallel reality experience.

I have a great ability for energy healing work to accelerate you on your soul mission path.

In the last eight years i had the privilege of consciously discerning my shifts to different parallel realities and versions of Earth. This conscious discernment is a unique ability and i will coach you from direct experience to use it in your own advancements and not from theoretical or philosophical concepts.

The two abilities of energy healing and parallel reality coaching are going to be merged together in our session so that you will have a better understanding of how to fully take advantage of both concepts as two great strategies in advancing yourself on your life's path.

Thank you,

Catalin Haiman


: : : : :

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