Saturday, April 16, 2022

Write Your Message Or Your Logo With Lanterns


Hi Fiverrs,

like in the gig preview watch hundreds of floating lanterns creating your message or logo.

For a greater personalization choose extra gig for:
  • Add a watermark to the corner of the video;

  • Change to your desidered audio background;
  • Customize the video lenght (before order this extra gig tell me your lenght);
  • Create a panel placed at the end of the video wih your message (text or whatever you want);
  • Add message during the video like in preview;
  • Fast delivery.

The video sent is in high resolution: 1920 x 1080.

Whenever you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me. As always I guarantee maximum satisfaction.

I'm sure that you cannot stay without this work!


Your advert is digitally placed in the sky. You will not see your advert in real life from this gig.



Amazing work!!!! Love the project. Everything was so easy and quick. We will definitely work together on many more projects


Brilliant as always


Excellent and FAST!!


Thank you!



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