Thursday, December 15, 2022

Listen To You Or Provide You With Advice


Ever since childhood, we've been taught to ignore or block our negative emotions. This causes us to lose touch with ourselves which in turn affects our current and future relationships with others. It causes us to further experience guilt, confusion, sadness, frustration. Not to mention that our daily lives have got the best of us and we often don't even have the time to personally pay attention to our emotional state.

We've grown used to keeping our emotions and feelings to ourselves because they're too intimate for the outside world. We've been told that we're too sensitive and we're scared that our emotional side will meet with rejection. This is why, it's hard to find a safe space to share how we really feel.

I'm here to be that small change in your life that you're desperately in need of, to be your shoulder to cry on, your motivator, your listener, your adviser.

What you'll get from our sessions:

  • Analysis of your situation
  • Empathy and emotional support
  • Guidance on what to do
  • Written summary of our talk and steps you can implement

How the session will help you:

  • Understand your emotions
  • Gain back your confidence
  • Better your relationships
  • Develop habits/techniques


: : : : :

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