Thursday, July 7, 2022

Put Your Message On Fortune Cookies


 It is a dessert with a twist and traditionally served in Chinese restaurants since the early part of 20th century. Although created in USA it has commonly been accepted as a Chinese Fortune Cookie. Fortune cookies, as the name suggests, contain a fortune message usually of luck or prosperity that forms the essence of the cookie. Also the messages have been known to have jokes, aphorisms and advice. Now, with the help of me you can create your own fortune cookie message and share it with your friends and family.

 I use a small font size (10pt generally) to make the cookie message look as authentic as possible. 

The photos will be high resolution and are an excellent way to advertise or get your message across in a fun way. Say what you like in the 'fortune' but keep it short enough to look realistic. Please note that I don't send the actual cookies to you - this gig is for photographs - you can use them in any way you choose and they really are effective.



Great work, as always.


Thank you!


thank you, great!


Fun gig, super fast, very satisfied.


Very fast service

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